
2023年1月24日 星期二

ChatGPT 夫子自道: 測試AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (七)

ChatGPT 夫子自道: 測試AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (七)

[ 由於文字多為新型 AI 聊天機器人 ChatGPT 產出,圖片全由AI 繪圖程式 Stable Diffusion 2.1 產出,故定名為筆記 ]




在網路上看到有人以「寫關於 ChatGPT 將如何改變社會的五段文章」向ChatGPT提問,只見其侃侃而談,所以試試以「寫關於 ChatGPT 將如何改變社會的十段文章」提問,它仍能迅速應答,接著以「寫一篇關於 ChatGPT 缺點的十段文章」提問,也難不倒它,令人嘖嘖稱奇。

Prompt: write a ten paragraph essay on how ChatGPT will change the society
ChatGPT :

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI that has the ability to generate human-like text. This technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries and change society in multiple ways.
One way ChatGPT can change society is by improving customer service in various industries. The model can be trained to respond to customer inquiries in a natural and human-like manner, providing quick and accurate responses. This can save companies a significant amount of money and improve customer satisfaction.
Another way ChatGPT can change society is by automating certain tasks that were previously done by humans. For example, the model can be used to generate reports, write emails, and even compose news articles. This can free up time for people to focus on more important tasks and increase efficiency.
ChatGPT can also be used to improve education. The model can be used to create personalized lesson plans for students based on their learning style and abilities. Additionally, it can be used to generate interactive quizzes and exercises to test students' understanding of the material.
The technology can also be used in the field of healthcare. ChatGPT can be used to generate medical reports, analyze patient data, and even assist in medical research. This can improve the quality of care patients receive and help to advance the field of medicine.
ChatGPT can also be used in the field of entertainment. The model can be used to generate stories, scripts, and even entire movies. This can open up new possibilities for creative expression and storytelling.
ChatGPT can also be used to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. The model can be used to generate captions and subtitles for videos, as well as generate audio descriptions for visually impaired individuals.
In the field of business, ChatGPT can be used to generate reports, analyze data, and even create presentations. This can improve efficiency and decision-making, helping businesses to be more successful.
In the field of journalism, ChatGPT can be used to generate news articles, analyze data, and even create video scripts. This can improve the speed and efficiency of news production, allowing for more timely and accurate reporting.
Finally, ChatGPT can also be used for personal use, such as writing emails, composing text messages, or even writing a novel. This can help people to be more productive and efficient in their daily lives.
In conclusion, ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize various industries and change society in many ways. From improving customer service to automating tasks, the technology can help to make our lives easier, more efficient, and more productive.

[中文翻譯] 寫一篇關於 ChatGPT 將如何改變社會的十段文章
ChatGPT :

ChatGPT 是 OpenAI 開發的一種語言模型,具有生成類人文本的能力。這項技術有可能以多種方式徹底改變各個行業並改變社會。
ChatGPT 改變社會的一種方式是改善各個行業的客戶服務。可以訓練該模型以自然和類似人類的方式回應客戶查詢,從而提供快速準確的回應。這可以為公司節省大量資金並提高客戶滿意度。
ChatGPT 改變社會的另一種方式是將以前由人類完成的某些任務自動化。例如,該模型可用於生成報告、撰寫電子郵件,甚至撰寫新聞文章。這可以騰出時間讓人們專注於更重要的任務並提高效率。
ChatGPT 也可用於改善教育。該模型可用於根據學生的學習風格和能力為他們創建個性化的課程計劃。此外,它還可用於生成交互式測驗和練習,以測試學生對材料的理解。
該技術還可以用於醫療保健領域。ChatGPT 可用於生成醫療報告、分析患者數據,甚至協助醫學研究。這可以提高患者接受的護理質量,並有助於推動醫學領域的發展。
ChatGPT 也可以用在娛樂領域。該模型可用於生成故事、腳本甚至整部電影。這可以為創意表達和講故事開闢新的可能性。
ChatGPT 還可用於改善殘障人士的利用性。該模型可用於為視頻生成字幕和副標題,以及為視障人士生成音頻描述。
在商業領域,ChatGPT 可用於生成報告、分析數據,甚至創建演示文稿。這可以提高效率和決策制定,幫助企業取得更大的成功。
在新聞領域,ChatGPT 可用於生成新聞文章、分析數據,甚至創建視頻腳本。這可以提高新聞製作的速度和效率,使報導更加及時和準確。
最後,ChatGPT 還可以用於個人用途,例如寫電子郵件、撰寫短信,甚至寫小說。這可以幫助人們在日常生活中提高生產力和效率。
總之,ChatGPT 具有以多種方式革新各個行業和改變社會的潛力。從改善客戶服務到自動化任務,該技術可以幫助我們的生活更輕鬆、更高效、更有成效。

Prompt: write a 10 paragraph essay on the shortcomings of ChatGPT

ChatGPT, like all language models, has several shortcomings that are important to consider when using the model for various tasks.
Firstly, ChatGPT is a statistical model that is trained on a large dataset of text, and as such, it may produce outputs that are nonsensical or irrelevant to the input provided. Additionally, the model may generate text that is biased or offensive, as the training data may contain such examples.
Secondly, ChatGPT is not capable of understanding the context or the meaning of the text it generates. The model can produce coherent and fluent text, but it does not have the ability to understand the intent or purpose of the text it generates.
Thirdly, ChatGPT is not able to perform certain tasks that require common sense or general knowledge. For example, it may not be able to answer certain questions or perform certain reasoning tasks that would be straightforward for a human.
Fourthly, ChatGPT has difficulty understanding idiomatic expressions and figurative language. It may not understand the meaning of a phrase like "a rough day" or "let the cat out of the bag" and produces irrelevant or incorrect responses.
Fifthly, ChatGPT is not able to provide an explanation or justification for the text it generates. It can only produce text based on the patterns it has learned from the training data, without the ability to provide reasoning or evidence for its outputs.
Sixthly, ChatGPT is not able to understand or produce text in languages other than the one it was trained on. It would require retraining the model on a different language dataset to achieve multilingual capabilities.
Seventhly, ChatGPT has a tendency to repeat itself in its generated text, particularly when provided with similar inputs. This can be a limitation in tasks that require original or creative responses.
Eighthly, ChatGPT is not able to understand or produce text in different formats such as images, audio or video. It can only generate text based on the input provided in the form of text.
Ninthly, ChatGPT is not able to understand or produce text that contains sarcasm or irony. It may take the text literally and produce responses that are not appropriate.
Lastly, ChatGPT is not able to understand or produce text that is private or confidential. It may generate text based on the input provided, but it does not have the ability to understand the sensitivity of the information it generates.
In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can generate coherent and fluent text, but it has several shortcomings that should be considered when using the model for various tasks. It is important to understand the limitations of the model and use it appropriately.

[中文翻譯] 寫一篇關於 ChatGPT 缺點的十段文章
ChatGPT 與所有語言模型一樣,有幾個缺點,在將模型用於各種任務時需要考慮這些缺點。
首先,ChatGPT 是一種在大型文本數據集上訓練的統計模型,因此,它可能會產生無意義或與提供的輸入無關的輸出。此外,該模型可能會生成有偏見或冒犯性的文本,因為訓練數據可能包含此類示例。
其次,ChatGPT 無法理解其生成的文本的上下文或含義。該模型可以生成連貫流暢的文本,但無法理解其生成的文本的意圖或目的。
第三,ChatGPT 無法執行某些需要常識或常識的任務。例如,它可能無法回答某些問題或執行某些對人類來說很簡單的推理任務。
第四,ChatGPT 難以理解慣用語和比喻性語言。它可能不理解諸如“艱難的一天”或“讓貓從袋子裡出來”這樣的短語的含義,並產生不相關或不正確的反應。
第五,ChatGPT 無法為其生成的文本提供解釋或理由。它只能根據從訓練數據中學到的模式生成文本,而無法為其輸出提供推理或證據。
第六,ChatGPT 無法理解或生成其訓練語言以外的其他語言的文本。這將需要在不同的語言數據集上重新訓練模型以實現多語言能力。
第七,ChatGPT 傾向於在其生成的文本中重複自身,特別是在提供類似輸入時。這可能是需要原創或創造性回應的任務的限制。
第八,ChatGPT 無法理解或生成不同格式的文本,例如圖像、音頻或視頻。它只能根據以文本形式提供的輸入生成文本。
第九,ChatGPT 無法理解或生成包含反諷或諷刺的文本。它可能會從字面上理解文本並產生不合適的響應。
最後,ChatGPT 無法理解或生成私人或機密文本。它可能會根據提供的輸入生成文本,但它無法理解所生成信息的敏感性。
總之,ChatGPT 是一個強大的語言模型,可以生成連貫流暢的文本,但它有幾個缺點,在將模型用於各種任務時應該考慮這些缺點。了解模型的局限性並適當地使用它很重要。

2023年1月23日 星期一

穿越小說「尋秦記」: 測試AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (六)

 穿越小說「尋秦記」: 測試AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (六)

[ 由於文字多為新型 AI 聊天機器人 ChatGPT 產出,圖片全由AI 繪圖程式 Stable Diffusion 2.1 或 DALL-E 產出,故定名為筆記 ]




秦始皇 (DALL-E繪)

ChatGPT 提供「科學家穿越到古希臘」與「科學家穿越到古中國」情節,在後者設定古中國時期是漢武帝時代,讓人印象深刻,再試試「科學家穿越到古中國秦始皇時代」

Prompt: provide a plot for the novel of time travel of a scientist to the first Emperor period of China

Sure, here is a potential plot for a novel about a scientist who travels back in time to the first Emperor period of China:
The story begins with our protagonist, Dr. Li, a brilliant but lonely scientist, who has dedicated his life to studying time travel. Despite the skepticism of his peers, he is convinced that he has finally cracked the code and has built a working time machine.
Dr. Li decides to take the leap and test his machine by traveling back in time to the first Emperor period of China, specifically the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. His goal is to observe and study the period in order to better understand Chinese history and culture.
Upon arriving in ancient China, Dr. Li quickly realizes that the time machine has malfunctioned, and he is unable to return to the present. He is forced to find a way to survive in this unfamiliar and dangerous time period.
Dr. Li is taken in by a group of farmers who are living in poverty and struggling against the tyrannical rule of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Dr. Li uses his knowledge of science and technology to help the farmers improve their lives and fight against the Emperor's oppression.
As Dr. Li becomes more involved in the lives of the people of ancient China, he begins to understand the complexity of their culture and history. He also falls in love with a local woman, who helps him navigate the political landscape of the time.
Dr. Li's actions and inventions have a major impact on the course of Chinese history, and ultimately leads to a rebellion against Emperor Qin Shi Huang. With the help of his new friends and allies, Dr. Li is able to overthrow the Emperor and establish a new and more just society.
With the rebellion successful, and his mission accomplished, Dr. Li finds a way to repair the time machine and finally return to the present. He is hailed as a hero and a visionary in both the past and present, and his work on time travel becomes the foundation for a new era of scientific discovery.
The novel ends with Dr. Li reflecting on his experiences, and how they have changed his understanding of the past, the present and the future.
Please note that the story is fictional and not based on any historical events.

[中文翻譯] 為科學家穿越到秦始皇時期的小說提供情節


Prompt: please expand the plot

Sure, here is a more detailed plot for the novel:
The story begins with our protagonist, Dr. Li, a brilliant but lonely scientist, who has dedicated his life to studying time travel. Despite the skepticism of his peers, he is convinced that he has finally cracked the code and has built a working time machine.
Dr. Li decides to take the leap and test his machine by traveling back in time to the first Emperor period of China, specifically the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. His goal is to observe and study the period in order to better understand Chinese history and culture.
Upon arriving in ancient China, Dr. Li quickly realizes that the time machine has malfunctioned, and he is unable to return to the present. He is forced to find a way to survive in this unfamiliar and dangerous time period.
Dr. Li is taken in by a group of farmers who are living in poverty and struggling against the tyrannical rule of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Dr. Li uses his knowledge of science and technology to help the farmers improve their lives, for example, by providing them with modern farming equipment, and teaching them about crop rotation and irrigation.
As Dr. Li becomes more involved in the lives of the people of ancient China, he begins to understand the complexity of their culture and history. He also falls in love with a local woman, Mei, who helps him navigate the political landscape of the time, and also teaches him about the customs and traditions of the people.
Dr. Li's actions and inventions have a major impact on the course of Chinese history, and ultimately leads to a rebellion against Emperor Qin Shi Huang. With the help of his new friends and allies, Dr. Li is able to overthrow the Emperor and establish a new and more just society.
With the rebellion successful, and his mission accomplished, Dr. Li finds a way to repair the time machine and finally return to the present. He is hailed as a hero and a visionary in both the past and present, and his work on time travel becomes the foundation for a new era of scientific discovery.
The novel ends with Dr. Li reflecting on his experiences, and how they have changed his understanding of the past, the present and the future. He returns to the past once more to be with Mei, who he couldn't forget, and to live in the new society he helped to create.
The story also explores the consequences of Dr. Li's actions in the past, how it affected the present, and how it created a butterfly effect, where small changes in the past can have a big impact in the future, and how the power of love, sacrifice and courage can change the course of history.
Please note that the story is fictional and not based on any historical events.

[中文翻譯] 請展開情節


穿越小說: 測試AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (五)

穿越小說: 測試AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (五)
[ 由於文字多為新型 AI 聊天機器人 ChatGPT 產出,圖片全由AI 繪圖程式 Stable Diffusion 2.1 產出,故定名為筆記 ]






據了解,ChatGPT 會寫小說,因此以「科學家穿越到古希臘」與「科學家穿越到古中國」為題,看其表現,結果讓人嘆為觀止,尤其從所提供建議《克羅諾斯的禮物》與《玉門關行記》為書名情節,或真可據以寫一本小說,甚至是英文小說是否有價值雖是問題,但應頗有自娛效果

Prompt: write a novel of time travel of a scientist to ancient Greece

Unfortunately, as a language model, I am not able to create an original novel. However, I can provide you with a summary of a possible plot for a time travel novel set in ancient Greece.
The novel, "Chronos' Gift," follows the story of Dr. Eleni Kyriakos, a brilliant Greek-American physicist who has devoted her career to studying the nature of time. After years of research and experimentation, she finally develops a working prototype of a time machine.
Determined to test her invention and prove its validity, Eleni sets the machine's destination to ancient Greece, specifically the city-state of Athens in the 5th century BC. Upon arriving, she finds herself in the midst of the Golden Age of Athens, a time of great cultural and intellectual achievements.
Eleni is initially overjoyed at the opportunity to witness firsthand the birth of Western civilization. However, she soon realizes that her presence in the past could have dangerous consequences for the future. As she struggles to find a way back to her own time, Eleni becomes embroiled in the political and social conflicts of ancient Athens and must navigate the treacherous world of Athenian politics. Along the way, she discovers unexpected allies and enemies, and uncovers secrets about her own past.
As Eleni races against time to return to the present, she must also grapple with the moral and ethical implications of time travel, and ultimately make the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the integrity of the past and the future.
This is one possible plot, but there are many other ways the story could be approached. Time travel allows for endless possibilities and creative ways to explore history, science, and human nature.

[中文翻譯] 寫一部科學家穿越到古希臘的小說

這部名為《克羅諾斯的禮物》的小說講述了 Eleni Kyriakos 博士的故事,她是一位才華橫溢的希臘裔美國物理學家,她的職業生涯致力於研究時間的本質。經過多年的研究和實驗,她終於開發出一個時間機器的工作原型。
Eleni 決心測試她的發明並證明其有效性,將機器的目的地設置為古希臘,特別是西元前 5 世紀的城邦雅典。抵達後,她發現自己正處於雅典的黃金時代,這是一個文化和知識成就巨大的時代。
埃萊尼最初對有機會親眼目睹西方文明的誕生感到非常高興。然而,她很快意識到她過去的存在可能會對未來產生危險的後果。當她努力尋找回到自己時代的方法時,Eleni 捲入了古代雅典的政治和社會衝突,並且必須在雅典政治的奸詐世界中航行。一路上,她發現了意想不到的盟友和敵人,並揭開了關於她自己過去的秘密。
當 Eleni 與時間賽跑回到現在時,她還必須應對時間旅行的道德和倫理影響,並最終做出最終的犧牲以確保過去和未來的完整性。

Prompt: expand on the plot

Sure, I'd be happy to expand on the plot of "Chronos' Gift."
Dr. Eleni Kyriakos is a brilliant Greek-American physicist who has devoted her career to studying the nature of time. After years of research and experimentation, she finally develops a working prototype of a time machine. Determined to test her invention and prove its validity, Eleni sets the machine's destination to ancient Greece, specifically the city-state of Athens in the 5th century BC, the time of Pericles.
Upon arriving, Eleni finds herself in the midst of the Golden Age of Athens, a time of great cultural and intellectual achievements. She is initially overjoyed at the opportunity to witness firsthand the birth of Western civilization and see the famous philosophers and statesmen in action. She also finds a new perspective on her own heritage and culture.
However, Eleni soon realizes that her presence in the past could have dangerous consequences for the future. Her actions could change the course of history and she must navigate the treacherous world of Athenian politics to ensure that the past remains unchanged. She soon discovers that the city is on the brink of war with its neighboring city-state, Sparta, and the city's leaders are divided on how to handle the situation.
Eleni becomes embroiled in the political and social conflicts of ancient Athens and must navigate the treacherous world of Athenian politics. She meets with the Athenian leaders, like Pericles, Aspasia and Alcibiades, and tries to influence their decisions. Along the way, she discovers unexpected allies and enemies, and uncovers secrets about her own past. The more time she spends in the past, the more she realizes that her ancestors are not only the great philosophers and thinkers she studied in school, but also real people with their own flaws, strengths, and ambitions.
As Eleni races against time to return to the present, she must also grapple with the moral and ethical implications of time travel. She becomes aware that the slightest change in the past could have a ripple effect on the future, and the more she intervenes, the more she risks altering the course of history. She must ultimately make the ultimate sacrifice and make the decision to either change the past, and risk the future, or accept the past as it is and return to her own time.
The novel explores themes of time travel, history, science, and the human condition, and raises questions about the nature of time, the responsibility of knowledge, and the consequences of our actions. It is a story of adventure, love, and sacrifice, as Eleni comes to understand her true place in the world and in history.

[中文翻譯] 擴展情節

Eleni Kyriakos 博士是一位才華橫溢的希臘裔美國物理學家,她的職業生涯致力於研究時間的本質。經過多年的研究和實驗,她終於開發出一個時間機器的工作原型。Eleni 決心測試她的發明並證明其有效性,將機器的目的地設置為古希臘,特別是西元前 5 世紀伯裡克利時代的城邦雅典。
然而,Eleni 很快意識到她過去的存在可能會對未來產生危險的後果。她的行為可能會改變歷史進程,她必須在詭譎多變的雅典政治世界中前行,以確保歷史不會改變。她很快發現這座城市正處於與鄰近城邦斯巴達的戰爭邊緣,而該市的領導人在如何處理這種情況上存在分歧。
Eleni 捲入了古雅典的政治和社會衝突,必須在雅典政治的詭譎世界中前行。她會見了伯裡克利、阿斯帕西婭和亞西比德等雅典領導人,並試圖影響他們的決定。一路上,她發現了意想不到的盟友和敵人,並揭開了關於她自己過去的秘密。她在過去度過的時間越長,就越意識到她的祖先不僅是她在學校學習的偉大哲學家和思想家,而且是真實存在的人,他們有自己的缺點、優點和抱負。
當 Eleni 與時間賽跑回到現在時,她還必須應對時間旅行的道德和倫理影響。她開始意識到,過去最細微的變化都可能對未來產生連鎖反應,她幹預得越多,改變歷史進程的風險就越大。她最終必須做出最終的犧牲並做出決定,要麼改變過去,冒著未來的風險,要麼接受過去,回到她自己的時代。
這部小說探討了時間旅行、歷史、科學和人類狀況等主題,並提出了有關時間的本質、知識的責任以及我們行為的後果的問題。這是一個關於冒險、愛情和犧牲的故事,因為 Eleni 開始瞭解她在世界和歷史中的真正位置。

Prompt: write a novel of time travel of a scientist to ancient China

The novel, "Journey Through the Jade Gate," follows the story of Dr. Wei Chen, a Chinese-American physicist who has devoted her career to studying the nature of time. Like Eleni, after years of research and experimentation, she finally develops a working prototype of a time machine.
Determined to test her invention and prove its validity, Wei sets the machine's destination to ancient China, specifically the Han Dynasty in the 2nd century BC. Upon arriving, she finds herself in the midst of one of the most prosperous and powerful eras in Chinese history.
Wei is initially overjoyed at the opportunity to witness firsthand the birth of Chinese civilization and culture. However, she soon realizes that her presence in the past could have dangerous consequences for the future. As she struggles to find a way back to her own time, Wei becomes embroiled in the political and social conflicts of the Han court and must navigate the treacherous world of court politics. Along the way, she discovers unexpected allies and enemies, and uncovers secrets about her own past and the history of China.
As Wei races against time to return to the present, she must also grapple with the moral and ethical implications of time travel. She becomes aware that the slightest change in the past could have a ripple effect on the future, and the more she intervenes, the more she risks altering the course of history. She must ultimately make the ultimate sacrifice and make the decision to either change the past, and risk the future, or accept the past as it is and return to her own time.
The novel explores themes of time travel, history, science, and the human condition, and raises questions about the nature of time, the responsibility of knowledge, and the consequences of our actions. It is a story of adventure, love, and sacrifice, as Wei comes to understand her true place in the world and in history, and gain a new appreciation for her heritage and culture.

[中文翻譯] 寫一部科學家穿越到古代中國的小說

小說《玉門關行記》講述了美籍華裔物理學家陳薇博士的故事,她的職業生涯致力於研究時間的本質。和 Eleni 一樣,經過多年的研究和實驗,她終於開發出了時間機器的工作原型。[AI 記得以前的提問!]
決心測試她的發明並證明其有效性,將機器的目的地設定為古代中國,特別是西元前 2 世紀的漢朝。抵達後,她發現自己正處於中國歷史上最繁榮、最強大的時代之一。

Prompt: please expand on the plot

Sure, I'd be happy to expand on the plot of "Journey Through the Jade Gate."
Dr. Wei Chen is a Chinese-American physicist who has devoted her career to studying the nature of time. After years of research and experimentation, she finally develops a working prototype of a time machine. Determined to test her invention and prove its validity, Wei sets the machine's destination to ancient China, specifically the Han Dynasty in the 2nd century BC.
Upon arriving, Wei finds herself in the midst of one of the most prosperous and powerful eras in Chinese history. She is initially overjoyed at the opportunity to witness firsthand the birth of Chinese civilization and culture and see the famous emperors, officials, and philosophers in action. She also finds a new perspective on her own heritage and culture.
However, Wei soon realizes that her presence in the past could have dangerous consequences for the future. Her actions could change the course of history and she must navigate the treacherous world of court politics to ensure that the past remains unchanged. She soon discovers that the empire is on the brink of collapse, with corrupt officials and a weak emperor, and the court's leaders are divided on how to handle the situation.
Wei becomes embroiled in the political and social conflicts of the Han court and must navigate the treacherous world of court politics. She meets with the Han leaders, like Emperor Wu, Dong Zhongshu, and Wang Mang, and tries to influence their decisions. Along the way, she discovers unexpected allies and enemies, and uncovers secrets about her own past, her ancestors and the history of China. The more time she spends in the past, the more she realizes that her ancestors are not only the great thinkers and leaders she studied in school, but also real people with their own flaws, strengths, and ambitions.
As Wei races against time to return to the present, she must also grapple with the moral and ethical implications of time travel. She becomes aware that the slightest change in the past could have a ripple effect on the future, and the more she intervenes, the more she risks altering the course of history. She must ultimately make the ultimate sacrifice and make the decision to either change the past, and risk the future, or accept the past as it is and return to her own time.
The novel explores themes of time travel, history, science, and the human condition, and raises questions about the nature of time, the responsibility of knowledge, and the consequences of our actions. It is a story of adventure, love, and sacrifice, as Wei comes to understand her true place in the world and in history, and gain a new appreciation for her heritage and culture, and how it shaped the world she lives in.

[中文翻譯] 請展開情節
決心測試她的發明並證明其有效性,將機器的目的地設定為古代中國,特別是西元前 2 世紀的漢朝。
漢武帝、董仲舒和王莽不是同時代人! ] 並試圖影響他們的決定。一路上,她發現了意想不到的盟友和敵人,並揭開了關於她自己的過去、她的祖先和中國歷史的秘密。她在過去度過的時間越長,就越意識到她的祖先不僅是她在學校學習的偉大思想家和領袖,而且是真實存在的人,他們有自己的缺點、優點和抱負。

古希臘三哲: 測試AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (四)

古希臘三哲: 測試AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (四)

[ 由於文字多為新型 AI 聊天機器人 ChatGPT 產出,圖片全由AI 繪圖程式 Stable Diffusion 2.1  或 DALL-E 產出,故定名為筆記 ]





三哲會面 (DALL-E)


希臘哲學是西方哲學主要來源之一,而蘇格拉底、柏拉圖、阿里士多德並稱古希臘三哲,因此看看 ChatGPT 怎麼說。

Prompt: philosophy of Socrates

Socrates was a philosopher in ancient Greece who is considered to be the father of Western philosophy. He is known for his method of inquiry, known as the Socratic method, which involves asking a series of questions to stimulate critical thinking and to arrive at a deeper understanding of the subject at hand.
Socrates did not leave any written work, most of what we know about his philosophy is through the writings of his student Plato and others. Socrates is known for his emphasis on the value of self-knowledge and the examination of one's own beliefs and values. He believed that the pursuit of wisdom and the quest for truth were the most important goals in life.
Socrates held that the greatest good in life is to be virtuous, and he believed that a virtuous person is one who knows what is right and does it. He also believed that knowledge and virtue are closely related, that is, that people who are virtuous are also the people who know the most.
Socrates also believed that the soul is immortal and that death is simply the separation of the soul from the body. In this way, he believed that death is not something to be feared, but rather embraced as an opportunity to continue the pursuit of wisdom and virtue in the afterlife.
In summary, Socrates' philosophy emphasizes the value of self-knowledge, the pursuit of wisdom, and the importance of virtue and morality in one's life.

[中文翻譯] 蘇格拉底哲學

Prompt: philosophy of Plato

Plato was a Greek philosopher who was a student of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle. He is known for his extensive writings, in which he discussed his ideas on politics, ethics, and the nature of reality.
Plato's most well-known philosophy is his theory of forms, which holds that non-material abstract forms, such as justice, equality, beauty, etc., are more real than the material objects we perceive in the world around us. He believed that the material world is a reflection or copy of the eternal and unchanging world of forms. The forms are the true reality and the material world is only an imperfect copy of it.
Plato also believed in the immortality of the soul and that the soul existed before birth and will continue to exist after death. He thought that the soul is eternal and that the body is only temporary, and that the soul's ultimate goal is to return to the world of forms.
Plato also believed in the concept of an ideal society, governed by philosopher-kings, who would have knowledge of the forms and would use this knowledge to govern justly. He thought that only a small group of individuals, who have knowledge of the forms, are fit to rule.
In summary, Plato's philosophy is characterized by his belief in the existence of non-material abstract forms, the immortality of the soul, and the concept of an ideal society governed by philosopher-kings. He believed that the ultimate goal is to attain knowledge of the eternal and unchanging forms, which is the key to understanding reality and living a virtuous life.

[中文翻譯] 柏拉圖哲學

Prompt: philosophy of Aristotle

Aristotle was a philosopher in ancient Greece who was a student of Plato and a teacher of Alexander the Great. He made significant contributions to many fields, including logic, metaphysics, biology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics.
Aristotle's metaphysics is characterized by his belief in the principle of causality, which holds that every event or phenomenon has a cause or explanation. He also believed in the concept of substance, which is the underlying essence of a thing that gives it its properties and characteristics.
Aristotle's ethics is based on the idea of the "golden mean," which holds that the best course of action is one that falls between the extremes of excess and deficiency. He also believed in the concept of virtue, which is the mean state between the extremes of excess and deficiency in relation to feelings and actions.
Aristotle's politics is characterized by his belief in the concept of the "just society," which is one in which individuals can flourish and reach their full potential. He also believed that some people were naturally suited to be rulers, while others were naturally suited to be ruled.
In summary, Aristotle's philosophy is characterized by his emphasis on reason, observation, and experience, as well as his belief in the importance of finding the mean or the middle ground in all things.

[中文翻譯] 亞里士多德哲學

英國浪漫詩人風格差異: 測試 AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (三)

英國浪漫詩人風格差異: 測試AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (三)

[ 由於文字多為新型 AI 聊天機器人 ChatGPT 產出,圖片全由AI 繪圖程式 Stable Diffusion 2.1 產出,故定名為筆記 ]

浪漫氣氛 一

浪漫氣氛 二

浪漫氣氛 三

浪漫氣氛 四

浪漫氣氛 五

浪漫氣氛 六

ChatGPT 定義浪漫主義詩體,並能迅速以英國浪漫詩人拜倫 (Byron) 、雪萊 (Shelley) 與濟慈 (Keats) 風格寫詩,描述其風格,對其風格差別的提問,也對答如流。

Prompt: style of romantic poem

The style of romantic poetry typically includes the use of emotive language, imagery, and themes of love, nature, and the beauty of the individual. It often employs a free-flowing verse structure, with an emphasis on personal expression and strong feelings. Many romantic poets also incorporate elements of mysticism and the supernatural into their work. Some famous examples of romantic poetry include the works of William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, and Percy Bysshe Shelley.

[中文翻譯]: 浪漫主義詩體

Prompt: difference in styles between Lord Byron and Shelley

Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley were both Romantic poets, but their styles have some notable differences.
Lord Byron's style is often described as emotive and individualistic. He wrote about personal experiences, emotions, and nature, and his work is characterized by a sense of freedom and spontaneity. He also often employed satire and irony in his writing. His poetry is known for its powerful imagery, rich language, and emotive power.

Shelley, on the other hand, is known for his idealistic and visionary style. He wrote about themes such as love, nature, and social and political reform. His poetry reflects his belief in the power of individual freedom and the potential for social progress. His style is characterized by its lyrical, musical quality, and his use of imagery and metaphor. His work is known for its emotional intensity, philosophical depth, and its celebration of the beauty and power of nature.

In summary, Lord Byron's style tends to be more personal and individualistic, while Shelley's style is more idealistic and visionary. Lord Byron is known for using irony and satire, while Shelley is known for his philosophical depth and celebration of nature.

[中文翻譯]: 拜倫勳爵與雪萊的風格差異

Prompt: difference in styles between Lord Byron and Keats

Lord Byron and John Keats were both Romantic poets, but their styles have some notable differences.
Lord Byron's style is often described as emotive and individualistic. He wrote about personal experiences, emotions, and nature, and his work is characterized by a sense of freedom and spontaneity. He also often employed satire and irony in his writing. His poetry is known for its powerful imagery, rich language, and emotive power.
Keats, on the other hand, is known for his sensuous and descriptive style. He often wrote about themes such as beauty, nature, and the passage of time, and his poetry is characterized by its use of rich, detailed imagery and its focus on the senses. He also often used classical allusions and mythological references in his work. He is also known for his use of the "negative capability" in his poetry, which is the ability to remain in a state of uncertainty and doubt without needing to resolve it. His work is known for its evocative, emotional power and its exploration of the human condition.
In summary, Lord Byron's style tends to be more personal and individualistic, while Keats' style is more sensuous and descriptive. Lord Byron is known for using irony and satire, while Keats is known for his focus on the senses, his use of mythology and his exploration of human condition.

[中文翻譯]: 拜倫勳爵和濟慈之間的風格差異

第二次以同樣問題提問,ChatGPT 以不同措辭回答
Prompt: difference in styles between Lord Byron and Keats

Lord Byron and John Keats were both poets of the Romantic era, but their styles were quite different. Lord Byron's poetry is known for its grandeur, wit, and irony, and he often wrote about larger-than-life figures and historical events. He was also a master of the satirical mode, often using his poetry as a form of social and political commentary.
On the other hand, Keats's poetry is characterized by its intense emotionalism, musicality, and sensitivity to nature. He often wrote about personal experiences and the beauty of the natural world. His poetry is known for its use of imagery and metaphor, and his focus on beauty and the senses.
In summary, Lord Byron's poetry is grand and satirical, while Keats's poetry is emotional and focused on nature and beauty.

[中文翻譯]: 拜倫勳爵和濟慈之間的風格差異

兩次回應表達方式不同,也表示目前要偵測時否文章由AI 代筆有難度。
Prompt: difference in styles between Shelley and Keats

Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats were both poets of the Romantic era, but their styles were quite different. Shelley's poetry is known for its idealism, its focus on imagination and the supernatural, and its use of grand, elevated language. He often wrote about political and social issues, and his poetry is marked by a sense of revolutionary fervor and a desire for social change. He is known for his long and complex poems which usually focuses on the individual and nature.
On the other hand, Keats's poetry is characterized by its intense emotionalism, musicality, and sensitivity to nature. He often wrote about personal experiences and the beauty of the natural world. His poetry is known for its use of imagery and metaphor, and his focus on beauty and the senses. His poetry is more introspective, and often explores personal feelings and emotions.
In summary, Shelley's poetry is marked by its idealism, focus on imagination and the supernatural, and its use of grand, elevated language, while Keats's poetry is characterized by its intense emotionalism, musicality, and sensitivity to nature, and his poetry is more introspective.

[中文翻譯]: 雪萊和濟慈的風格差異

浪漫英詩春之頌: 測試AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (二)

浪漫英詩春之頌: 測試 AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (二)

[ 由於文字多為新型 AI 聊天機器人 ChatGPT 產出,圖片全由AI 繪圖程式 Stable Diffusion 2.1 產出,故定名為筆記 ]


春之頌 (Monet 風格)

春之頌 (Monet 風格)

春之頌 (Van Gogh 風格)

春之頌 (Cezanne 風格)

由於瞭解目前 AI ChatGPT 關於中文詩的資料庫較有限,所以先試試其在浪漫英詩方面的能力,選擇自
浪漫英詩拜倫 (Byron) 、雪萊 (Shelley) 與濟慈 (Keats) 風格「春之頌」開始:

Prompt: a poem expecting the arrival of spring Byron style

The skies are gray and dreary,
The earth is cold and still,
But in the distance, a glimmer,
Of spring's arrival, a thrill.

The winds of change are blowing,
The ice begins to thaw,
And with each passing day,
The world awakens more.

The flowers, they start to bud,
The trees, they start to bloom,
Nature's symphony,
Is set to resume.

The world comes alive once more,
With colors bright and bold,
As the arrival of spring,
Is foretold.

So let us welcome it,
With open hearts and arms,
For spring is the season,
Of rebirth and charm.

[中文翻譯] 拜倫式期待春天到來的詩
花朵開始發芽, 樹木開始綻放, 大自然的交響樂即將繼續。

Prompt: style of Lord Byron

Lord Byron was a Romantic poet known for his emotive and individualistic style. He often wrote about personal experiences, emotions, and nature, and his work is characterized by a sense of freedom and spontaneity. He also often employed satire and irony in his writing. He wrote in a variety of forms, including poetry, plays, and letters, and his works are known for their powerful imagery, rich language, and emotive power.

[中文翻譯]: 拜倫勳爵風格

Prompt: a poem expecting the arrival of spring Shelley style

The world is still and silent,
Wrapped in winter's cloak,
But in the distance, a whisper,
Of spring's arrival, a hope.

The ice begins to crack,
The snow starts to melt,
As the earth awakens
From its long and cold felt.

The buds on the trees,
Start to swell with life,
Nature's symphony,
Will soon be rife.

The flowers will bloom,
In vibrant hues and shades,
As the arrival of spring,
Is announced by the glades.

So let us wait with wonder,
For spring's arrival to come,
For the beauty it brings,
Will fill the earth, and some.

[中文翻譯]: 雪萊式期待春天到來的詩
樹上的花蕾, 開始茁壯成長, 大自然的交響曲, 很快就會響起。
花兒將盛開, 鮮豔的色彩和色調, 春天的到來, 被林間空地宣告。
所以讓我們驚奇地等待, 春天的到來, 因為它帶來的美麗, 將充滿大地, 和一些。

Prompt: style of Shelley

Percy Bysshe Shelley was a Romantic poet known for his idealistic and visionary style. He often wrote about themes such as love, nature, and social and political reform. He was a proponent of free love and political liberty, and his poetry reflects his belief in the power of individual freedom and the potential for social progress. His style is characterized by its lyrical, musical quality, and his use of imagery and metaphor. He also employed a variety of forms, including odes, sonnets, and longer narrative poems, and his work is known for its emotional intensity, philosophical depth, and its celebration of the beauty and power of nature.

[中文翻譯]: 雪萊風格
珀西·比希·雪萊 (Percy Bysshe Shelley) 是一位浪漫主義詩人,以其理想主義和富有遠見的風格而聞名。他經常寫關於愛情、自然、社會和政治改革等主題的文章。他是自由戀愛和政治自由的支持者,他的詩歌反映了他對個人自由的力量和社會進步潛力的信念。他的風格的特點是抒情、音樂品質以及他對意象和隱喻的使用。他還採用了多種形式,包括頌歌、十四行詩和較長的敘事詩,他的作品以其強烈的情感、哲學深度以及對自然之美和力量的頌揚而聞名。

Prompt: a poem expecting the arrival of spring Keats style

The fields lay bare and dormant,
The trees stripped of their pride,
But in the distance, a promise,
Of spring's arrival, abide.

The cold earth starts to stir,
The buds begin to swell,
Nature's symphony,
Is about to tell.

The colors of the earth,
Will soon be rich and bright,
As the arrival of spring,
Brings back the light.

The flowers will bloom,
In a riot of colors,
The world will come alive,
With sweet scents and flavors.

So let us wait with longing,
For spring's arrival to come,
For the beauty it brings,
Is worth the wait, and some.

[中文翻譯]: 一首濟慈風格期待春天到來的詩歌
冰冷的大地開始動盪, 花蕾開始綻放, 大自然的交響樂, 即將訴說。
所以讓我們懷著憧憬等待, 春天的到來, 春天帶來的美景, 值得等待,值得等待。

Prompt: style of Keats

John Keats was a Romantic poet known for his sensuous and descriptive style. He often wrote about themes such as beauty, nature, and the passage of time. His poetry is characterized by its use of rich, detailed imagery and its focus on the senses. He also often used classical allusions and mythological references in his work. Keats is also known for his use of the "negative capability" in his poetry, which is the ability to remain in a state of uncertainty and doubt without needing to resolve it. He wrote in a variety of forms, including sonnets, odes, and longer narrative poems, and his work is known for its evocative, emotional power and its exploration of the human condition.

[中文翻譯]: 濟慈風格

有人將 ChatGPT 比喻為線上百科全書、二十四小時特助、全時家庭教師,由對浪漫英詩的測試,可知此言不虛;有此超級學伴,人類可謂已進入學習的黃金時代,莘莘學子應把握良機。

2023年1月22日 星期日

新春體驗 AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (一)

新春體驗 AI 文字與繪圖程式能力筆記 (一)
[ 由於文字多為新型 AI 聊天機器人 ChatGPT 產出,圖片全由AI 繪圖程式 Stable Diffusion 2.1 產出,故定名為筆記 ]



迎新年 (Monet 風格)

迎新年 (Renoir 風格)

迎新年 (Seurat 風格)

迎新年 (Cezanne 風格)

新春到,想進一步測試 ChatGPT 的能力,由其對諸多提問的回應,讓人更感嘆其強大,也看出一些短板,同好們不可不知。



並說明: 這是一首古風詩,可以表現出春天美好,但是因為某些原因感到悲傷的心情。

並說明: 這首詩描繪了春天雨季的景象,並表達了詩人對春天的懷念和喜愛,也表達了詩人渴望被愛的心情。


並說明: 這首詩描述了桃花島上和江南人之間的互相羡慕和嫉妒的關係。桃花島上的人羡慕江南人的繁華,而江南人則羡慕桃花島上的寧靜。








既利用 AI 文字產生程式,也會連帶想到試用 Stable Diffusion AI 圖畫產生程式,不花多少功夫,即完成一篇圖文並茂尚可一閱的筆記,相當神奇。