「中國是亞洲真正的病夫」,副標題為「它的金融市場可能比野生動植物市場更加危險」 是美國保守派學者、專欄作家沃爾特·羅素·米德 (Walter Russell Mead) [註一]
於2月3日在《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal,WSJ) ) [註二]
發表文章的標題。由於「東亞病夫」是鴉片戰爭以來,中國人力圖洗刷由西方殖民主義者加諸的惡名,在新冠病毒正在東亞肆虐,中國窮舉國之力抗疫的當頭提出,牽動極為敏感神經,自然掀起軒然大波。雖然其他媒體指出,美國主要報紙上出現的許多頭條新聞標題通常是編輯而不是作家選擇的,仍有超過十一萬人迅速在美國白宮的聯署網站《我們的人民》 (We the People)上聯署譴責「《華爾街日報》上的種族歧視文章標題」(Racially
Discriminatory Article Title on Wall Street Journal) ﹔中國政府因不滿《華爾街日報》刊出標題為「中國是真正的亞洲病夫」之評論,並拒絕道歉,19日宣布吊銷3名《華爾街日報》駐北京記者的記者證。另一方面,也有不少西方媒體對該文叫好與聲援。[註三]
Mead到底說了甚麼呢? [註四] 大體而言,並無新意。一方面抨擊中國政府系統化失靈,對新冠病毒爆發,處置不當,導致疫情迅速傳播到世界各地,譴責中國當局仍在努力掩蓋問題的真實規模。另一方面,重申「中國經濟即將崩潰」 論調。其中不少警語,雖然失之一廂情願,值得大家思索玩味美國一部分有相當影響力的人想法與看法:
新冠病毒流行最重要的長期結果似乎是加強全球公司供應鏈 「去中國化」的趨勢。在新的貿易戰的威脅下以及持續的公共衛生憂慮,將使供應鏈的多元化開始顯得明智。
[註一] Walter Russell Mead 現任美國Bard College 的外交與人文學教授,並為WSJ專欄作家與保守派智庫Hudson Institute學者。根據Mead給他以前在耶魯大學的一名學生的電子郵件,他沒有選擇標題,也沒有批准標題。Mead隨後將耶魯大學學生的電子郵件轉發給了《華爾街日報》。
[註二] 《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal) 是美國具有影響力的報刊,報導側重金融、商業領域報導的日報,是美國發行量最大的報紙之一。
[註三] 例見布雷特·斯蒂芬斯(Bret Stephens),「北京的大躍退」(Great
Leap Backward),《紐約時報》 (2020年 2月20日)。
[註四] 後附譯文與原文。
[譯文] 「中國是真正的亞洲病夫」-- 「它的金融市場可能比野生動植物市場更加危險」
China Is the Real Sick Man of
Its financial markets may be even
more dangerous than its wildlife markets.
By Walter Russell Mead
Feb. 3, 2020 6:47 pm ET
The mighty Chinese juggernaut has
been humbled this week, apparently by a species-hopping bat virus. While
Chinese authorities struggle to control the epidemic and restart their economy,
a world that has grown accustomed to contemplating China’s inexorable rise was
reminded that nothing, not even Beijing’s power, can be taken for granted.
We do not know how dangerous the
new coronavirus will be. There are signs that Chinese authorities are still
trying to conceal the true scale of the problem, but at this point the virus
appears to be more contagious but considerably less deadly than the pathogens
behind diseases such as Ebola or SARS—though some experts say SARS and
coronavirus are about equally contagious.
China’s initial response to the
crisis was less than impressive. The Wuhan government was secretive and
self-serving; national authorities responded vigorously but, it currently
appears, ineffectively. China’s cities and factories are shutting down; the
virus continues to spread. We can hope that authorities succeed in containing
the epidemic and treating its victims, but the performance to date has shaken
confidence in the Chinese Communist Party at home and abroad. Complaints in
Beijing about the U.S. refusing entry to noncitizens who recently spent time in
China cannot hide the reality that the decisions that allowed the epidemic to
spread as far and as fast as it did were all made in Wuhan and Beijing.
The likeliest economic
consequence of the coronavirus epidemic, forecasters expect, will be a short
and sharp fall in Chinese economic growth rates during the first quarter,
recovering as the disease fades. The most important longer-term outcome would
appear to be a strengthening of a trend for global companies to “de-Sinicize”
their supply chains. Add the continuing public health worries to the threat of
new trade wars, and supply-chain diversification begins to look prudent.
Events like the coronavirus
epidemic, and its predecessors—such as SARS, Ebola and MERS—test our systems
and force us to think about the unthinkable. If there were a disease as deadly
as Ebola and as fast-spreading as coronavirus, how should the U.S. respond?
What national and international systems need to be in place to minimize the
chance of catastrophe on this scale?
Epidemics also lead us to think
about geopolitical and economic hypotheticals. We have seen financial markets
shudder and commodity prices fall in the face of what hopefully will be a
short-lived disturbance in China’s economic growth. What would happen if—perhaps
in response to an epidemic, but more likely following a massive financial
collapse—China’s economy were to suffer a long period of even slower growth?
What would be the impact of such developments on China’s political stability,
on its attitude toward the rest of the world, and to the global balance of
China’s financial markets are
probably more dangerous in the long run than China’s wildlife markets. Given
the accumulated costs of decades of state-driven lending, massive malfeasance
by local officials in cahoots with local banks, a towering property bubble, and
vast industrial overcapacity, China is as ripe as a country can be for a
massive economic correction. Even a small initial shock could lead to a massive
bonfire of the vanities as all the false values, inflated expectations and
misallocated assets implode. If that comes, it is far from clear that China’s
regulators and decision makers have the technical skills or the political
authority to minimize the damage—especially since that would involve enormous
losses to the wealth of the politically connected.
We cannot know when or even if a
catastrophe of this scale will take place, but students of geopolitics and
international affairs—not to mention business leaders and investors—need to
bear in mind that China’s power, impressive as it is, remains brittle. A
deadlier virus or a financial-market contagion could transform China’s economic
and political outlook at any time.
Many now fear the coronavirus
will become a global pandemic. The consequences of a Chinese economic meltdown
would travel with the same sweeping inexorability. Commodity prices around the
world would slump, supply chains would break down, and few financial
institutions anywhere could escape the knock-on consequences. Recovery in China
and elsewhere could be slow, and the social and political effects could be
If Beijing’s geopolitical
footprint shrank as a result, the global consequences might also be surprising.
Some would expect a return of unipolarity if the only possible great-power
rival to the U.S. were to withdraw from the game. Yet in the world of American
politics, isolation rather than engagement might surge to the fore. If the
China challenge fades, many Americans are likely to assume that the U.S. can
safely reduce its global commitments.
So far, the 21st century has been
an age of black swans. From 9/11 to President Trump’s election and Brexit,
low-probability, high-impact events have reshaped the world order. That age
isn’t over, and of the black swans still to arrive, the coronavirus epidemic is
unlikely to be the last to materialize in China.